UCLA Branded Face Coverings Now Available

June 24, 2020 – UCLA Trademarks & Licensing is pleased to announce that UCLA branded face coverings are now available for campus departments and groups as well as at retail for individual consumer purchase. There are a variety of styles and designs offered. All UCLA face coverings are, at a minimum, 2-ply cotton or cotton blend and contain no latex.

“Face coverings should NOT be used as a replacement for surgical masks or other approved Personal Protective Equipment. These coverings have not been industry tested nor have they been NIOSH approved. Face coverings have been recommended by the Center for Disease Control to slow the spread of the coronavirus and help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others. Face coverings are not a substitute for physical distancing or frequent hand washing.”

To date, the following licensees have been granted rights to produce UCLA face coverings: Alta Gracia, Blue84, Colosseum Athletics, Gorilla Marketing, ID Me Promotions, and Wildcat Retro Brand. More may be added in the future.

Departments and groups may also contact Bruin Custom Print to coordinate a quote for face coverings.

Individuals can find UCLA face coverings for sale at retailers including Amazon at www.amazon.com/UCLA and The UCLA Store at https://shop.uclastore.com/p-136530-ucla-2-pack-face-covering.aspx.

For any questions or more information, please reach out to us at uclalifestyle@asucla.ucla.edu


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